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Emma West

We all need love....and boundaries!

Boundaries are the key to all healthy relationships whether personal, parenting or professional. A boundary is the energy, space, convictions, decisions, likes and dislikes that keep you distinct from the other. It's a good idea to put boundaries down before you reach your limit. Getting in to the habit of putting down a boundary by describing yourself and not the other person you are in communication with; toddler, child, teenager, or adult. No one likes to be defined or told what they need when they don't think they need it! Define yourself, use 'I' statements: ' I am not comfortable with you watching any more you tube on your laptop, so switch it off after that video. Would you like to help with dinner or play with the dog?' This way you have stated what your feeling is and what the action is and alternative activities. We owe our children truth and honesty which usually means sharing our feelings rather than pretending we don't have any. So give the 'I' statements a go, define the feeling and not the child.

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